Spirit of the Rebellion Deck List Dump: Villain Edition

With Spirit of the Rebellion hitting stores soon, I've been writing much less recently, opting to wait until the new set to write more content.  Like many others, however, I'm excited about what the new set brings to the table and how the new characters will shake up the meta!  In this post, I'm going to do a big deck list "dump" so to speak, and show a few decks I have started working on recently.  While some of the old decks from Awakenings can be modified to perform really well in the Spirit of the Rebellion meta, this first deck list dump will feature at least one new character in every list!  Please keep in mind these lists are not meant to be optimal, and are just mere ideas.

And so it begins, starting with the villains!

Replacing Kylo in Kylo/Dooku of the Awakenings meta, Asajj pairs up perfectly with Dooku for an even 30 points.  The increased card pool makes running mono color decks a real possibility and even amongst mono color decks there are a lot of nice choices with upgrades.  Plays just like Kylo/Dooku, except you don't have to spend resources to resolve Asajj's 2 damage face.  Asajj only having 9 health is a real bummer, and forces you to play a little more aggressively as Asajj is likely to fall very quickly.

A fun 4 character deck for those who just want to play a bunch of troopers, the addition of Tie Pilot keeps your blank ranged die from disruption and Guavian Enforcer provides a lot of important yellow cards that provide consistency and additional damage!  This deck needs to roll damage and kill characters, as having a lot of non-uniques leaves you vulnerable to losing a lot of value as your characters fall very quickly, so having access to yellow for backup muscle, additional upgrades, and bait and switch adds a lot of needed consistency.  For simplicity's sake, this deck runs no upgrades that cost more than 2, and most of the 2 cost upgrades have redeploy.  You don't want to heavily invest in any specific character, and you're mainly looking to roll out as much ranged damage as possible, with the tie pilot protecting you from any disruption.

Bala-Tik is awesome, clocking in at a measly 11 points for an elite version, he fits well in multiple decks, and has dice that fit perfectly well with both Krennic and Aurra.  My preference is towards the Aurra version, as mono yellow provides a lot of explosive damage with fight dirty, and if you don't mind discarding a few cards, Aurra's die becomes really powerful.  The Krennic pairing seems a bit unfocused, and I'm probably missing something important but it doesn't seem very consistent due to the fact that base ranged damage is hard to come by on upgrades, and neither Krennic nor Bala have a lot of base ranged damage die.  Hopefully the additional Death Trooper die from Krennic's effect will remedy this, but I'm skeptical of the deck's ability to always claim when you're unable to spot multiple characters to play Lockdown.

An interesting combination of characters!  This deck supposedly made quite a splash in one of Artificiery's TTS Spirit of the Rebellion pods recently, and I made my own version, as this combination of characters was a combination that a friend of mine had been talking about recently as well!  FN-2199 has an awesome effect that provides good value on weapons, but the fact that he is primarily melee, along with the fact that there isn't a lot of good melee weapons in red makes him a bit difficult to build around.  Having a deck that utilizes all three colors is a good way to address this!  And this deck's gameplan is to load FN-2199, generate value, and start unloading his weapons to redeploy onto Dooku eventually.  Since Dooku is a 1 die character and isn't particularly threatening, most opponents will likely focus him last, making him a great candidate for all of the redeploy weapons.  You can then start replacing the redeploy weapons for cheap flamethrowers.

We end this deck list dump with a deck featuring none but the galactic emperor himself!  A single character deck, you're bound to claim very quickly over your opponent, and do a lot of damage!  Your goal with this deck is to hit hard and fast, protecting yourself from large bursts of damage with force illusion, and disrupting your opponent as much as you can to try and finish them off before your one character goes down.  Force Speed is a notable card that isn't being played in this version.  This is because you only start with 2 dice, which makes it relatively easy for your dice to be controlled, thus making force speed a lot less powerful.  Force speed is an incredible card, but I think you need to play cards with a bit more impact if you are going to sink all of your eggs in one character.  You're only able to have a total of 3 upgrades, so at most, you can only have 5 dice, and leaving force speed to stick on your one character forever feels wrong on paper.

Hope you enjoyed these lists and some of the explanations!  Check back next time for the Hero Edition!


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