Making reads on your opponent: An Introduction
Generally, in Destiny, we want to play efficiently to get the most out of our rounds and quickly claim the battlefield. Due to this, it's generally best to: 1. activate all characters before ditching cards to reroll or resolve dice, to help action efficiency and get the most out of every action. 2. Match up die faces of the symbol and resolve all dice of one symbol in one action, whenever possible, for action efficiency. 3. Know when to cut your losses when your opponent is close to claiming if you need to claim faster. Things like not taking resources when you don't need them, and choosing not to resolve other dice such as disrupt, discard, and sometimes resolving shields when they aren't needed. By following these three rules, you will generally stay one step ahead of an opponent who isn't following these rules, just due to how much more efficient it is to play like this. However, there are times that playing effici...